Google宣布开始新一轮的Android 4.0( Ice Cream Sandwich)推送

Google宣布开始新一轮的Android 4.0( Ice Cream Sandwich)推送

今天早上,google在google+上宣布开始新一轮的Android 4.0( Ice Cream Sandwich)推送,版本号4.0.4.

我们已经开始推送的Android4.0.4的冰淇淋三明治.推送设备包括UMTS / GSM的Nexus S,Wi-Fi版Xoom 和HSPA+ Galaxy Nexus,我们还将在未来几周内向更多的设备推送。你们当中有些人将首次接收到冰淇淋三明治,而其他人将收到稳定改进的冰淇淋三明治,因而可以获得更好性能的相机,更流畅的屏幕旋转,同时提高了手机号码识别和更多的夹心冰淇淋的体验。文章最后附上手动OTA下载地址(官方)包含2.3-4.0.4的以及4.0.3-4.0.4,升级方法参照 或者其它论坛。


We’ve started rolling out Android 4.0.4, Ice Cream Sandwich, to UMTS/GSM Nexus S, Xoom Wi-Fi, and HSPA+ Galaxy Nexus devices, and we'll be rolling it out to more devices in the coming weeks. Some of you will be receiving Ice Cream Sandwich for the first time, while others will be receiving an update to your existing Ice Cream Sandwich experience with stability improvements, better camera performance, smoother screen rotation, improved phone number recognition and more.


4.0.3->4.0.4 下载地址: ... crespo/

2.3.6->4.0.4 升级包地址: ... crespo/