[转载]VBA FOR WPS 2013个人版下载

[转载]VBA FOR WPS 2013个人版下载

本文资源转自:http://bbs.wps.cn/thread-22388153-1-1.html 版权信息未知,请谨慎参阅。

WPS 个人版是个好软件!对于反盗版意思重大……

在使用WPS 2013个人版的VBA时,发现总是灰色的,不支持吗?通过简单搜索,发现下载引用来源的VBA for WPS2013.7z 后,完美解决问题。windows 7 x64 位 OK。




iPhone 5今日正式发布:4英寸的显示屏,A6的CPU,支持LTE...

iPhone 5今日正式发布:4英寸的显示屏,A6的CPU,支持LTE...

iPhone 5日正式发布:4英寸的显示屏,A6的CPU,支持LTE...


万众期待的 Apple iPhone 5 终于在 2012 年的今天来到了!设计上,它跟传闻的一样,有着 4 吋的屏幕(1,136 x 640,326ppi)、一体式铝制机身、背盖上下的天线开口。它的机身厚度为 7.6mm,比 iPhone 4S 薄了 18%;重量有 112g,轻了 20%。说了外面当然要说一下里面吧,它的核心用上了 A6 芯片,Apple 指它的速度比 4S 的快两倍。
网络方面,支持 LTE、HSPA+、EV-DO 和 EDGE 等。

Apple may be notoriously secretive and tight lipped, but the company appears to be getting worse and worse at actually keeping things under wraps. The iPhone 5 appears to be the most leaked handset in existence. Thankfully, the suspense is over, the next-gen iPhone is finally here and it does, in fact, go by the numerical title of 5. Just like the parts that have been circulating this is a glass and aluminum affair and, at 7.6mm it's a full 18 percent thinner than the 4S. It's even a full 20 percent lighter at 112 grams. It's all those amazing things and it packs a larger 4-inch display. The new version of Apple's Retina panel is 1136 x 640, which clocks in at a more than respectable 326ppi. It also sports better color saturation with full sRGB rendering

That new longer screen allows for an extra set of icons to be displayed on the home screen, and first party apps have already been tweaked to take advantage of the additional real estate. The iWork suite, Garage Band and iMovie have all been updated. Older apps will still work too, though they'll be displayed in a letterbox format until an update is issued. The tweaked ratio puts the iPhone 5 display closer to 16:9, but it's not quite there.

The most exciting news is likely the addition of LTE. There's still HSPA+, EV-DO, EDGE and all that jazz on board, but it's the true 4G that is really generating excitement.

[转载]Code Rush-奔腾的代码

[转载]Code Rush-奔腾的代码


Code Rush是一部1998年拍摄的纪录片 – 拍摄线索是当年硅谷的浏览器先锋Netscape的工程师的故事。当时Netscape正要换身成为开源的Mozilla,而公司则入旗AOL。
纪录片表现了98年大多数网景工程师的普通生活,当年的Geek味丝毫不比现在减淡,有的工程师常年不出现在办公室,有的工程师喜欢日夜奋战。工作之余, 网景半家半办公的办公室里面,员工还借助Playstation来娱乐减压。而10多年前的硅谷工程师形象很出位,不知道和你心目中的是否一样。


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最近在「台灣遊戲 App 開發者社群」聚會上分享的主題。


你不該離職創業搞 App,因為你……

  1. 沒有人付薪水
  2. 擁有百萬價值好寶寶
  3. 想要全部自己來
  4. 不是個「瘋帽客」
  5. 想要第一款遊戲賺大錢
  6. 需要鬧鐘(們)叫你起床
  7. 討厭和自己相處
  8. 沒有家人的支持
  9. 跟隨他們說的話
  10. 天生是個害羞內向的人

《為什麼你不該離職創業搞 APP》英文版

《為什麼你不該離職創業搞 APP》中文版