Thank You..
Dear friends and family,
We registered. Although we may have no a grand wedding ceremony on that day,We will come together to share our beautiful time. It absolutely gorgeous! We love all of you deeply, and are so blessed to start our new life together.Loving you
All our love
亲爱的朋友们亲人们,我们结婚了。诚挚的邀请您和家人!这一天,让我们相聚,一起见证和分享美好的未来。 爱你们
Please feel free to contact me anytime via Email by clicking the RSVP.Or Call me at 186 **** 9066. 麻烦在方便的时候给我回复,可以点击页面上面的[RSVP]链接给我发邮件[],或者通过186 **** 9066电话和短信联系我..